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Trip to NYC for Yankees Game and Boat Tour around Manhattan

FSNUR Sponsoring NYC Trip for Yankees/Red Sox Game

Trip also Includes Boat Tour Around Manhattan

August 21 - 22


The Franklin-St. Lawrence NYSUT United Retirees (FSNUR) subcouncil is sponsoring a bus trip to New York City for a Yankees vs. Red Sox baseball game on Thursday, August 21. The cost is $350 per person for active Retirement Council members.  Non-member cost is $370 which includes membership in RC9.

Trip includes

  • Seat in Section 210 (the first deck, where the home runs go) of Yankee Stadium for the August 21, Major League Baseball game between the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox.
    • Transportation to and from NYC in Premier Coach (Pick-up locations currently in Canton and Watertown.  Other locations may be added depending on demand).
    • Hotel Accommodations at the Meadowlands Best Western in New Jersey.
    • 2.5 Hour Circle Line Boat Tour highlighting dozens of sites around Manhattan on the morning of August 22.
    • Breakfast on August 22.

Please note that the price is for double occupancy. Departure begins at 8:00 in Canton, NY, on August 21.  Return expected the evening of August 22.

Participation is limited to 56 people on a first-come, first-serve basis.  A waitlist will be created once the bus is full.  Payment due at registration (payments will be non-refundable unless the seat is filled by a replacement).

Registration can be completed using Paypal (Debit and Credit Cards also accepted) or by using the QR Code below.  Individuals wishing to register with a check should reach out to Tom at

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