CVCR: Champlain Valley Council of Retirees
Co- chairs are Violet Moesch and Carlos Madan They meet September through June for lunch, a short meeting and presentation on the 2nd Monday of the month. Contact the NYSUT Plattsburgh office at 518-825-0730 or email RSVP's are encouraged using google form located on Events tab.
Click here for more CVCR updates and information
FSNUR: Franklin-St. Lawrence NYSUT United Retirees
Select the link below to see what news and information. Email for information on contacts and events.
Click here for more FSNUR updates and information
JLCNR: Jefferson-Lewis Council of NYSUT Retirees
Visit the JLCNR webpage for information on events and contacts.
Click here for more JLCNR updates and information
SANR: Southern Adirondack NYSUT Retirees
Email for information on our activities and events.
Click here for more SANR updates and information
Due to the large area that Retiree Council (RC) 9 covers, we are broken into four sub-councils. Your membership is based on the district from which you retired- which region is it in. If you find that a different sub-council is more convenient for you to participate with, feel free to join it!