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Visit to SLPEM in Madrid June 2024

Thanks to FSNUR members Ron and Sheila Day, members had a unique tour of the St. Lawrence Power and Equipment Museum in Madrid. On June 17, members and their guests were led through various buildings around the village square.  It is amazing the various collections in the buildings and the buildings themselves.  They ranged from tractors, textiles, print shop, gas station, the Nevin Church, general store and Art Huntley's Watch shop. We hope to go back to see the Civil War fort and more of the buildings and collections.

We highly recommend you making the trip to Madrid.

Bob telling us about clock shop
Bob telling us about clock shop

Bob telling us about clock shop

Jim and Betsy in the Schoolhouse

Jim and Betsy in the Schoolhouse

Sheila and Carrie in the General Store

Sheila and Carrie in the General Store

Tony and Sarah in the School house

Tony and Sarah in the School house

Ron and Tom

Ron and Tome

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