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CVCR Information

Co-chairs are Vi Moesh and Carlos Madan  They meet September through June for lunch, a short meeting and presentation on the 2nd Monday of the month.  Contact the NYSUT Plattsburgh office at 518-825-0730 or email RSVP's are encouraged using google form located on Events tab.

Information regarding events and activities for CVCR (Champlain Valley Council of Retirees) is located here.

Two With Buried

CVCR enjoyed a visit from local author Dan LaDue and learned all about the history of the local delicacy, "The Michigan Hot Dog."




Final meeting of the 2023-2024 Year

will be Monday, June 10, 2024 at 11 am.


CVCR or Champlain Valley Council of Retirees has had an active year so far.  C-chair Gary VanCour made a summary of the year to this point.  Make sure to take advantage of the rest of the year's events.  To read Gary's letter follow this link: CVCR: The Year Thus Far


February 13, 2023 saw the retirees of the CVCR area gather at MHAB in Plattsburgh.   Co-chairs Gary VanCour and Carlos Madden led our business meeting.  The nominating committee is looking for people to fill several positions.

Following a wonderful lunch, we heard from President of the North Country Underground Railroad Historical Associations, Jacqueline Madison.  We were treated to details of this organization and their work.   Plans are underway for a 'field trip' to their site in the spring. No. Country Underground Railroad Historical Association  


CVCR September 12, 2022 Luncheon

CVCR is off and running for 2022-2023!   Our first luncheon is September 12 at the MHAB Fresh 14 Dormitory Drive in Plattsburgh.  Sepaker is Janine Scherline, Adirondack Foundation.  September 12 Luncheon

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