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Do you know of people who are retiring?  Let us know to make sure they here the latest and greatest!


Find out about all the upcoming events and latest news for NYSUT retirees in the North Country.   Follow this link to read all the news!......


From the Richard Fiesta, Executive Director Alliance for Retired Americans

 Dear Friend,

The good news is that this year 3 million people with Medicare are now eligible to receive help paying for their prescription drugs.  

The bad news is that unless Congress acts soon, they and other seniors with low incomes may never know that help paying for their health care is available.  

That’s where you can make a difference.  

For 15 years, Congress has provided money for a program called Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers (MIPPA). This program helps states and local agencies staff


North Country retirees have so much going on!   For those of you who may not received your hard copies, here it is!   This version also makes it easier to follow links to activites and events.


The following was forwarded from NYSUT Retiree Services.  See what opportunities you might want to take advantage of.

Peer Support Line Posting

The Peer Support Line is looking for per diem Educator Support Specialist. Please use the following link to view the posting and have interested members apply,  All hiring and onboarding questions can be directed to HR at Rutgers University Behavioral Healthcare (not NYSUT).

General program questions can be directed to

The Office of the Aging Resources

The Office of the Aging website include free virtual classes on the Medicare savings program, and tutorials on applying for common benefits. The local offices can help with these items and provide guidance and advice. Log onto the website to check out all the resources offered