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February 13, 2023 saw the retirees of the CVCR area gather at MHAB in Plattsburgh.   Co-chairs Gary VanCour and Carlos Madden led our business meeting.  The nominating committee is looking for people to fill several positions.

Following a wonderful lunch, we heard from President of the North Country Underground Railroad Historical Associations, Jacqueline Madison.  We were treated to details of this organization and their work.   Plans are underway for a 'field trip' to their site in the spring. No. Country Underground Railroad Historical Association  




Due to the large area that Retiree Council (RC) 9 covers, we are broken into four sub-councils.  Your membership is based on the district from which you retired- which region is it in.  If you find that a different sub-council is more convienient for you to participate with, feel free to join it! 

The following is the contact information for each of the sub-councils.  

CVCR: Champlain Valley Council of Retirees

Co- chairs are Gary VanCour and Carlos Madan  They meet September through June for lunch, a short meeting and presentation on the 2nd


Calling all snowbirds!   Information for RC 9 people in Florida.

Retiree Council 43 will be holding two conferences in Florida that any NYSUT retiree may attend.  Please take a look and sign up to go. (And then join RC 9 for our May 23rd conference at the Watertown Elks.

Information can be found at this link: RC 43 Conference Information and Registration material


RC 9 Fall 2022 Newsletter

Retirees in Retire Council (RC) 9 will be busy this fall.  Make sure to review all of the opportunities you have to see other retirees at the many events described in this newsletter.  Regardless of which sub-council you are a part of, feel free to attend events throughout the RC.

Make sure you look at not only the events but also when you need to RSVP and to who.

Looking forward to seeing many of you!

Retiree Council 9 Fall 2022 Newsletter

2023 has brought many changes to Medicare, including enrollment periods. Join the Medicare Rights Center’s free online Medicare Minute presentation for NYSUT members, on Wednesday, Feb. 15, 3:30 p.m. Here’s a full listing of free webinars and registration info. Medicare Webinars Registration


Thank you for all you do!

As the school year draws to a close, all of us at NYSUT want to thank you for your tremendous dedication. It’s been a challenging year — but through it all, you've stood strong and persevered. Over and over, you've shown how public schools are the place where students, parents and educators come together as a community.

U.S. Supreme Court hands down landmark cases

This week, the Supreme Court handed down multiple decisions that will touch the lives of millions of Americans. Earlier this week, in Carson v. Makin, the court laid the groundwork that states must provide publ