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November 2022 RC 9 Newsletter

Follow this link to our latest newsletter.   It will be 'snail mailed' soon but you get the advanced delivery.   Thank you to our Veterans.  Hope that your 2022 Thanksgiving is full of gratitude: including belonging to a union that works to provide for us retirees.  Click on link to read the latest.

 Click here to read the RC 9 November 2022 Newsletter

ALERT: Look at article on RC 9 is Hiring.   Paid position to format quarterly newsletter.


CVCR or Champlain Valley Council of Retirees has had an active year so far.  C-chair Gary VanCour made a summary of the year to this point.  Make sure to take advantage of the rest of the year's events.  To read Gary's letter follow this link: CVCR: The Year Thus Far


As you know, Hurricane IAN has caused severe damage to many people’s homes and property. NYSUT has over 10,000 retired members in Florida and we are concerned for their wellbeing. That is why we are asking you to help us reach out to them to make sure they are ok and provide support for those who need it. We will be both texting and calling retirees whom we have contact information.

On Tuesday will begin a very easy texting program to those we have cell phone numbers.

On Wednesday we will begin phone banking our members.

You will be provided a script and training on how to make texts and/or calls


Each year, the Jefferson-Lewis Council of NYSUT Retirees awards scholarships to new teachers in our counties.   Follow this link to the article and photos of the recipients being supported by retirees. Awarding New Teacher Scholarships

This is just one way we are supporting our profession and those who are working in schools.


CVCR September 12, 2022 Luncheon

CVCR is off and running for 2022-2023!   Our first luncheon is September 12 at the MHAB Fresh 14 Dormitory Drive in Plattsburgh.  Sepaker is Janine Scherline, Adirondack Foundation.  September 12 Luncheon

February 13, 2023 saw the retirees of the CVCR area gather at MHAB in Plattsburgh.   Co-chairs Gary VanCour and Carlos Madden led our business meeting.  The nominating committee is looking for people to fill several positions.

Following a wonderful lunch, we heard from President of the North Country Underground Railroad Historical Associations, Jacqueline Madison.  We were treated to details of this organization and their work.   Plans are underway for a 'field trip' to their site in the spring. No. Country Underground Railroad Historical Association